Design| Development | Exclusive shoes. #studiotutzy #studiotutzyshoesdesign
Design| Development | Exclusive shoes. #studiotutzy #studiotutzyshoesdesign
Design| Development | Exclusive shoes. #studiotutzy #studiotutzyshoesdesign
Made in Happiest country in world! #shoes #privatelabel #madeinbrazil #studiotutzyshoesdesign #studiotutzy #brazil #germany #europe #fashionshoes #lovemyjob
Do you know your own Core Competence? #studiotutzyimagecoaching #corecompetence #coaching #coach #personalbranding #designyourlife #germany #münchen #saopaulo #berlin #patitutzy
What about new SHOES? 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 May I draw? Que tal sapatos novos? Posso desenhar? #newcollection #fashion #munich #berlim #saopaulo #privatelabels #welove #wecare #studiotutzyshoesdesign
Choose Love! Love yourself. #chocolate #mastbrothers #cocoa #nyc #studiotutzytrends #studiotutzy #lifestyle #williansburg #brooklin #trendy #love #life #laugh
A moda é ser colorido. 😉 Hey, it’s fashionable be coloured! #fashion #studiotutzytrends #trends #becolourfull #colors #fashion #woman #beyourself #takecareofyourself
Touchs of CHANEL. #chanel #trendy #young #fresh #easy #studiotutzy #fashion #wish
Be silly! Do the dont’s!#imagempessoal #imagemquefala #enjoy #saopaulo #brazil #munich #believe
Quais as cores que te fazem brilhar ? Which colors make you shine? #image #imagem #imagempessoal #studiotutzy #studio #imagecoaching #client #workinghard #moda #fashion #colors #saopaulo #brazil #BrandU #shoes #newcollection
Let’s talk about high heels! #studiotutzy #studiotutzyshoesdesign #shoes #calçados #sapatosfemininos #womanpower #high #heels #love #lookatyou #hiend #premium #outsourcing #yourownstyle #style #life #lifestyle #girlies #power #blackandwhite #fashion #saopaulo #london #munich #bordeaux #brazil
What color are you? #studiotutzy #studiotutzycolors #coloryourself #makeyoulifebright #colors #color #imagecoaching #imageconsultant #personalbranding #brazil